Wholesale Customer

Sidetittel BG


As a RST-STEEL business customer, you get special offers and handle accessory orders for the benefit of the wholesale customer. At the same time, you also join the benefits of a loyal customer. Placing orders is easy and fast – your personal information is already filled in, Order history – you can view previous orders in our online store, permanent shopping basket – the products you add to your shopping basket remain in the basket until you remove them or confirm the order.

By applying to become a RST-STEEL business customer, you will enjoy great benefits!

Application form for wholesale customers


    FrontbeskytterRoof -/Front BarsEkstralysWork lights

    Under 5000€5000-10 000€10 000 - 20 000€20 000 - 40 000€40 000 - 60 000€Over 60 000€


    I will soon have a need for accessoriesI want to place an order and I need a serviceI don't have a clear need in mind right now
